Trailblazing Partnership: News organizations launch European coalition

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a landmark development for the field of cross-border

data-driven reporting, four distinguished investigative outlets are joining forces to form the Collaborative Journalism Europe in a Global Context (CJEGC) coalition.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which will steer the consortium, announced the launch today. Siena.It (Lithuania), MANS (Montenegro) and Context Romania will work alongside ICIJ to steward the project, providing overarching guidance to the dozens of media partners who will contribute reporting from across Europe.

The breadth and strength of the coalition will allow for deep and impactful reporting on the issues that matter most to European citizens.

“Working together, we will uncover hidden truths and produce stories that have the power to change the world,” said ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle.

In the effort to strengthen investigative journalism in Europe, ICIJ is joined by three European organizations with a track record of making an impact.

Context Romania is an independent media start-up that aims to cultivate and expand Romania’s community of investigative journalists, with a strong focus on exposing corruption, fraud, and organized crime by publishing journalistic investigations. In only one year after establishment, Context revealed multiple cases of abuse and corruption

MANS is one of the strongest and most-experienced investigative journalism organizations in Montenegro and in the Balkans in general. The team has gained multiple awards for their investigative work. Most recently, MANS received the EU Investigative Journalism Award for uncovering hidden Russian assets in Montenegro.

Siena is the only Lithuanian media organization devoted exclusively to investigative journalism. In four years of its existence, the team has significantly contributed to exposing crime and corruption and, most recently, multiple cases of sanction evasion in EU’s Eastern member states.

In addition producing two major crossborder reporting projects, CJECG will provide resources and training, establish a robust networking structure for project teams and advocate for press freedom worldwide.

The new initiative is funded by a 2 million euro ($2.1 million U.S.) grant from the European Union’s Creative Europe initiative to strengthen the news media sector. Sixty-four organizations applied for grants, and 12 projects were funded, receiving a total of 14 million euros ($14.8 million U.S.) over two years.

“With this support of the European Union, we are emboldened to explore, discover and reveal stories that resonate across borders,” Ryle said.

About ICIJ

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a global network of investigative reporters and media organizations dedicated to exposing systemic corruption, injustice and abuse of power. Its projects such as the Panama Papers and Pandora Papers reshaped the landscape of investigative journalism and set new benchmarks for government and corporate transparency and accountability.


Avatar of Cristian Andrei Leonte
Cristian Andrei Leonte este cofondator CONTEXT.RO și jurnalist din anul 2011. A înființat și Info Sud-Est, o publicație independentă în Constanța -principalul port al României la Marea Neagră. A publicat numeroase investigații și articole despre corupția locală, distrugerea patrimoniului istoric și cultural, problemele de mediu din Marea Neagră și Delta Dunării precum și despre cooperarea multi-etnică. El este de asemenea reporter și editor al G4Media și a documentat mai multe investigații transfrontaliere împreună cu jurnaliști de la OCCRP, Suddeutsche Zeitung (Germania) sau NRC (Olanda).

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